Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's raining in LA

I was driving and saw this in my rearview mirror and had to turn around and take some pictures. On the corner of Moorpark and Vineland, I saw this. What I didn't get a shot of was the river of water it left in the nearby streets. It looked really nice and I wanted to jump in.

Apparently someone hit a fire hydrant. I don't know if you can tell in this shot, but the water was really high, over 50-60 feet, I would say.

This is a long-distance shot, it looks pretty crappy, but trust me, you could see this from really far away. The water is that black blotch over the trees in the middle center of the shot.

There's the water poking over some trees.

There's the water, as if it's shooting out of the fire truck.